Thursday, 4 July 2013

Positvely Angry

Positively Angry
In your anger, do not sin’
Ephesians 4:26
* NPC: 2011/004081/08 * 18A Tax Exempt Status
((PBO) file no. 930/036/181 
“Anyone can become angry – that’s easy.  But to be angry with the right person, at the right time, for the right purpose and reason, and in the right way…that is not easy.”  Aristotle
As fUSS, we have constantly try look for appropriate ways to encourage and support Educators (parents and other key role players) in their quest of forming young people.  Together with our Lost&Found programme in schools, Emotional Awareness Training sessions, and informative talks at Parent Evenings, we also offer our Positively Angry Training sessions to Educators. This is our way of helping schools and communities become a place where young people can feel safe and unthreatened.
Anger helps us to distinguish between “right” and “wrong” and whether a specific action/behaviour is acceptable or unacceptable.  When something is unacceptable (abuse, neglect or violation of human rights) we sometimes see ‘Positive Anger’ actions displayed in order to overcome these wrongs.
"A man is about as big as the things that make him angry." - Winston Churchill
Just as the concept as love is predominantly formed within the family unit and immediate community, appropriate responses to anger is formed within families and communities.
Recent stats showed:
-  1/3 young people consider it acceptable to use forceful aggression toward someone who treats them in an unfair manner;  family violence is one of the main contributors toward crime and violence. (Stats SA)
 Positive Anger can be defined as our aim to correct injustices in a constructive manner.  This type of ‘anger’ is best described as discontent and frustration, which is born out of injustices. 
How you respond will affect the other person.  And, when it’s someone with whom the relationship matter, try not to be destructive in your approach.  How we respond, can buildUP someone (friends, colleague, family member, ‘neighbour’) When you next get angry about something, in your (re)action to the ‘anger trigger’, keep the following in mind…
We can buildUP someone or we can break someone down by:
      §  The things we say to them (in anger) 
(Destructive = insulting, belittling, threatening, bullying)
§  The things we say about them
(Destructive = gossiping, false accusations, bad-mouthing)
§  How we act towards them
(Destructive = discriminating, shouting, pushing/shoving, physical violence)
§  How we treat them
(Destructive = ignoring, giving the cold shoulder, rejecting, labelling)
As an adult, we have the opportunity to teach our children how to turn anger into a Powerful Positive Attitude. How? Here are some things to keep in mind:
ü  I always have the choice to choose my reaction when I get angry.  Use your response as a teachable moment for your children.
ü  Not many good things can come from handling a situation in a destructive way.  It often leads to unhappiness, pain, more arguing, hurtful words and actions, and eventually a very negative situation.
ü  Positive Anger allows me to grow, develop understanding, develop relationships and allow others to benefit.
We hope that, as we all faceUP to our own anger challenges, we are all encouraged to act with positive anger toward “the right things, at the right time, in the right way.” If you don’t get it right the first time, take heart and remember Psalm 34. 
Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up. (Psalm 34:10)

facingUP Support Services: * NPC: 2011/004081/08 * 18A Tax Exempt Status (PBO) file no. 930/036/181
PO BOX 14, HOWARD PLACE, 7450 Fax:  +27 (0)86 762 5024
Directors: Dr. SH Walsh, Mr. IS Smith, Mr. E Lombard  /

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