Remember when you were little and
you tried your hand on gardening for the very first time? Most kids start off
in this way, by enfolding a simple kidney bean from the grocery cupboard
between some cotton wool, keeping it wet religiously until a small piece of
green appears. Some beans took a bit
longer, others evolved quickly.
I can also remember the
disappointment when you forgot to give the water and that little bit of green
becomes a mess. You had to start all
over again.
Pain is like the kidney
bean. In the grocery cupboard, on its
own, it will never sprout that little bit of green. It will stay hidden in the
dark and never become more than exactly what the packet told you it would be. There would be no growth and no
learning. There would be no healing.
The kidney bean needs the damp
cotton wool.
As humans we have all experienced
pain at some stage in our lives, it is inevitable. And we also need the cotton
wool to fold around our pain and support the fight against the darkness. Whether your ‘cotton wool’ comes in the form
of a friend or a family member or even someone you have just met, you need to
allow that caring. Only with dedicated,
loving care would the pain evolve into something living, something green. Embrace it.
Like beans in cotton wool
Embrace each other’s pain by caring
Allow other’s to embrace your pain
So let us all coverUP each other’s pain by being the ‘cotton wool’ it needs and let us
bring some ‘green’ into someone’s life.